Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Hasil Notulensi kuliah tamu Fakultas Humaniora dan Budaya

Hasil notulensi Kuliah tamu Selasa 04 Oktober 2010.
Tema : “Bahasa (asing) sebagai Jendela Ilmu” oleh effendi kadarisman, M.A, Ph.D.
Oleh Fakultas Humaniora dan Budaya.
• Manizzdaada ilman walam yazdad huudan la yazdad minallahi illa bu’dan (orang yang bertambah ilmunya tapi tak bertambah petunjuknya maka tidak bertambah baginya kecuali jauh dari Allah SWT)
• Orality and Literacy
• Kita sudah melupakan apa yang menjadi milik kita tapi begitu mudah memahami orang lain.
• “seni tertinggi adalah seni kekuatan yang mampu membangkitkan sesuatu yang tertidur dalam jiwa kita dan mendorong kita untuk menaklukkan tantangan hidup” lihat bagaimana Allah memberi isyarat tentang seni tertinggi pada surat Ad-dhuha.
• Ingat empat tipe manusia!: 1). Manusia yang tahu dan sadar akan ke’tahuannya’ itu
2). Manusia yang tahu tapi tidak sadar akan ke’tahuannya’ itu
3). Manusia yang tidak tahu tapi sadar
4). Manusia yang tidak tahu tapi tidak sadar.
• Should you need further information concerning the applicant, you could write to me at the…(if di depan ‘should’ itu dihilangkang.
• Ada banyak contoh bahasa yang menantang dan terkesan tidak sesuai dengan gramatika
Ex : Mr. Can can can the can to the can
• What is said is not necessary what is meant (implicature)
• FL are supposed to be able to grammatically correct, pragmatically and sociolinguistically appropriate, and if needed strategically effective.
• Pragmatic : kemampuan menggunakan secara benar dan tepat.
• Dalam sociolinguistik ada bahasa formal dan bahasa informal.
Ex : hi guys how are you going (hai teman, gimana kabarmu?)
• Kita harus hati-hati dalam memahami buku terjemahan, karena proses pemahaman penerjemah bisa salah
• By mastering foreign language you can read and understand directly all textbooks
• Relativitas bahasa dan budaya
• Postulat neo-bloomfieldian : every language is unique, structurally and culturally.
1). ‘lexical creativity’ in English:
Star-fruit : fruit if you cut into two halves look like star)
2). Affixation
Hari = harian ==day = daily
Jum’at = jum’atan == Friday = doing certain praying in Friday
3). Culture-specific expression
‘ied mubaarak
Selamat idul fitri
Mohon maaf lahir dan Bathin = culturally untranslate
Happy ied.
Merry Christmas (said before chistmas but NOT after christmas, selamat idul fitri, said before during, and after idul fitri).
4). Culture-specific Way of Thinking
5). Jarwa Dhosok (forced interpretation, Becker 1995, or folk ethimology – “otak-atik mathuk”
Lepet = lupute konco tutupen sing rapet
English = man and old age always eiger (MANAGER)
Inez = istri ngenez
Bakir = bagian parkir
Muhajir = mumet hadapi banjir
At the structural level we do CA (Contrastive Analysis)
At the level of cultural we do CCU (Cross-Cultural Understanding
Buku “Region of Java”
• Spread of evil will be destroyed by the power of forgiveness (Ranggawarsito)
• When truth is revealed with no burning passion, that is philosophy, when truth is revealed with burn passion, that is poetry. Muhammad Iqbal
• “if you love me please say so, if you don’t love me say love me”
• Dzauq araby = nilai/keindahan lokal
• Dzauq adabiy/ dzauq insany = nilai/keindahan universal
• Roman jakobson (1960) 6 fungsi bahasa ….ekspresif dan puitis, referensial,konatif, fatik, metalingual, puitis.
• Dalam dunia ini ada text dan performance
• Aqdun billisan, af’alun bil arkaan, yaaqiinun bil qolb. (Iman)
• Orang Islam (muslim) adalah orang lain tidak sakit hati karena perkataan dan tindak tanduknya.
• Ya Allah ajarkan kembali padaku makna “Laailaaha..” dan rahasia “Illallah”. Muhammad Iqbal.
• Wamaa Uutitum minal ‘ilmi illa qoliilaa
• Sastra menghaluskan perasaan, menajamkan intuisi.

Selasa, 28 September 2010

Rianti, Semoga Tenang di Surga

Sore ini aku kehilangan salah satu teman terbaikku, teman yang aku kenal semenjak aku duduk di bangku SMP, meskipun semua itu berawal dari percakapan dunia maya, tapi hadirnya terasa begitu dekat dengan jiwaku.

Febriyanti, nama yang indah menurutku, dilihat dari namanya kalian pasti akan tahu kalau dia adalah gadis yang dilahirkan dibulan Februari, bulan yang unik karena tidak mempunyai jumlah hari sebanyak bulan-bulan yang lain, namun Februari adalah bulan yang istimewa bagi orang-orang yang percaya dengan hari kasih sayang.

“Akh..aku pingin sharing ni”, seperti biasa ukhti rianti, demikian aku biasa menyapanya, mengirimiku sebuah pesan pendek untuk mendiskusikan berbagai macam hal sebagai pengantar tidur kami. Kami biasanya berkirim sms sampai salah satu dari kami ketiduran. Dan yang aku sukai darinya, dia selalu mengajakku mendiskusikan hal-hal yang serius..

“iya dek, mau sharing tentang apa?”, jawabku.

“Akh..jangan panggil adek gitu dunk, kan kita udah sepakat kalo aku dipanggil

“ukhti” kan?, selanya. Sebutan “Akh..” kependekan dari kata akhi yang berarti saudaraku

“Memangnya kenapa kalo aku panggil adek?”

“Ya, gak apa-apa akh, aku pinginnya dipanggil ukhti aja, lebih anggun”

“Ciee..maunya, ok deh ukhti rianti yang caem hehe”

“Makasih ya akh..”

Febriyanti adalah gadis yang anggun menurutku, tinggi semampai ideal dengan berat badannya, otaknya encer, semangatnya yang selalu menyala, kulit wajahnya yang putih mulus selalu terlihat berbinar karena guratan wajahnya tak pernah lepas dari senyum, kedua sisi pinggir bibirnya selalu ditarik kebelakang saat dia berbincang dengan lawan bicaranya. Meskipun dibalut dengan jilbab yang panjang, namun segala pesonanya tak pernah tertutupi. Pesona seorang muslimah ideal.

“Akh..kenapa orang-orang itu selalu berpandangan negative tentang orang yang memakai jilbab panjang ya?” Tanyanya.

“Berpandangan negatif gimana ukhti?”

“Seolah-olah wanita islam yang berjilbab panjang itu merupakan bagian dari islam fundamental yang selalu berlaku keras dalam melakukan dakwah, bahkan mereka sering berkata-kata kasar saat aku lewat didepan mereka,”

“Berkata-kata kasar gimana ukhti?” balasku hati-hati, aku tidak ingin anaknya salah paham.

“Tahu gak akh? Aku sakit hati banget saat mereka ngomong kalo aku ini adalah

“Batman” kasar kan akh..”

“hahaha..,” balasku singkat.

“Wah..kok malah diketawain? Gak lucu tau!”

“Memang nggak lucu ukhti, tapi menurutku konyol aja..he he,” Jawabku sekenanya.

Sekarang aku jawab smsnya dengan agak serius, “Hemm, memang ukhti, masyarakat kita tampaknya harus diberi pemahaman yang lebih terkait busana yang dipakai seorang muslim maupun muslimah, jangan hanya karena istri-istri para teroris dinegeri ini memakai cadar atau jilbab panjang lalu orang yang bergaya pakaian seperti mereka lantas dicap sebagai orang yang berpandangan sama dengan para pelaku terror itu.”

“Aku setuju akh.. mereka itu orang-orang yang memahami ajaran agama dari sisi yang lengkap, sisi luarnya saja”

“yupz..seperti itulah..agama dimanapun pasti akan mengajarkan kedamaian ukhti, aku yakin tidak ada satupun agama yang mengajarkan kekerasan dan pertumpahan darah,”

“Betul akh..para pelaku teror itu hanya akan menodai agama, dan berarti juga mengotori nama tuhan-Nya yang suci.”

“Iya ukhti..apalagi sampai melakukan penjarahan dan perampokan bank untuk mendanai aksi teror yang mereka pahami sebagai jihad,”

“Apa mereka tidak paham konsep pembagian dua macam orang kafir ya?” Tanyanya.

“Maksudnya pembagian dua macam orang kafir gimana ukhti?” yang satu ini memang aku belum paham.

“Ya dalam pandangan Islam kan ada dua macam orang kafir akh..yakni kafir dzimmi dan kafir harbi, yang pertama berarti wajib dilindungi sedangkan yang kedua berarti wajib diperangi.”

“oh..gitu ya ukhti,,”

“iya..”, jawabnya singkat.

“Akh..perlu nggak ya syariat Islam dijadikan dasar Negara?” Topik kami beralih pada konsep kenegaraan.

“Menurutku yang wajib kita lakukan adalah menegakkan syariah ukhti..bukan membuatnya formal sebagai aturan Negara,”

“Kalau memang demikian bagaimana dengan berbagai macam pelanggaran agama yang terjadi akh?” Dia menyela.

“Inilah tugas kita sebagai generasi muda Islam ukhti, tak usah kita memformalkan syariat, namun cukup kita tanamkan nilai-nilai syariat itu supaya membudaya di tengah masyarakat kita yang majemuk”.

“Hemm..tapi itu sulit akh..”

“Memang sulit ukhti,,tapi di dunia ini gak ada yang nggak mungkin kan?”

“Iya akh..”

“Memang, Indonesia ini merupakan negara yang berpenduduk muslim terbesar didunia, tapi Indonesia itu multukultural, jadi semuanya harus diwadahi dan dihargai ukhti..termasuk budaya masing-masing masyarakat,”

“Betul Akh..asalkan dengan cara damai, maka agama juga akan jaya..aku aja punyai teman karib yang beragama Kristen kok akh..ingat Rasulullah pernah menyuapi orang Yahudi kan?”

Begitulah Rianti, gadis manis yang sering diejek orang disekitarnya karena dia berjilbab lebar, disangka berpaham keras dalam Islam. Namun dia hanya ingin menjadi seorang muslimah santun yang sejuk dipandang.


Untuk menjadi Rianti yang sekarang, tidaklah mudah. Waktu dia mau lulus SMP dia mulai memakai jilbab. Dia juga menyimpan seluruh celana yang pernah dibelinya.

“Aku ingin menjadi muslimah yang berada dijalan Allah mas,” dia katakan hal itu saat kami chatting, waktu itu dia masih memanggilku dengan sebutan mas.

“Iya lelly, mas dukung keputusanmu, jangan ragu!” ujarku penuh semangat, sebelum aktif diorganisasi dakwah sekolah, dia lebih suka aku panggil lelly.

“Tapi ibu sama ayah melarang mas, beliau berdua takut kalau aku tidak dapat teman,”

“Nggak apa-apa lelly, semuanya akan baik-baik saja, aku yakin ayah sama ibumu pasti akan mendukung, suatu saat nanti.

Dan benar saja, awal mula dia memakai jilbab, teman-temannya banyak yang menjauh. Namun semua itu tidak berlangsung lama karena Rianti memang gadis periang yang mudah untuk bergaul, walaupun dengan orang baru.


“Alhamdulillah akh..aku sekarang jadi ketua lembaga dakwah disekolah,” ujarnya suatu saat waktu kami chatting.

“Wah..selamat ya ukhti, lakukan yang terbaik, tapi jangan lupa sekolahnya lho ya,” ucapku.

“Iya..dakwah ok, prestasi yes!” ujarnya menggebu.

“Ah..lelly..semoga kau berdakwah dengan mengikuti jalan yang benar,” gumamku

Sebenarnya aku khawatir waktu dia cerita bahwa dia mau bergabung dengan lembaga dakwah yang ada di sekolahnya, karena saat itu ada rumor bahwa komplotan teroris mencari kader baru melalui lembaga dakwah yang ada disekolah maupun kampus. Aku masih ingat bahwa anak buah salah satu gembong teroris di Negara ini merupakan jebolan aktivis dakwah kampus.

“Hal ini tidak bisa digeneralisir akh..aku yakin itu hanya segelintir orang saja yang tidak memakai akal sehat dengan bergabung dengan mereka para pelaku jihad dengan jalan kekerasan..,” ujarnya saat aku mendiskusikan hal ini dengannya.

“Dari pada jihad dengan teror, lebih baik kita jihad sosial akh,” lanjutnya lagi.

“Jihad sosial bagaimana ukhti? Aku kok nggak paham maksudnya?”

“Ya jihad untuk menolong sesama contohnya membantu orang miskin, menyantuni anak yatim, itu tuh akh, masih banyak kan para pengemis dan anak jalanan yang wajib ditolong?”

“Betul ukhti..” jawabku.

“Aku yakin akh..aksi-aksi teror yang selama ini terjadi malah akan membawa masalah baru, bukan hanya para pelakunya, namun juga orang-orang disekitarnya,” jelasnya lagi.


Dor..dor.. dor, “Jangan bergerak!” “Angkat tangan kalian!” “Jongkok!”

Suara letusan dan bentakan sore itu mengagetkanku, kuintip dari jendela kamar kosku, ada asap keluar dari jendela masjid kampus.

“Hei eko..cepat keluar! Ada penggrebekan teroris dimasjid!” teriak temanku luthfi yang saat itu baru pulang dari kampus.

Ketika aku sampai sana terlihat beberapa mayat laki-laki dan perempuan tergeletak dilantai, kami hanya bisa mengintip dari luar masjid kebanggaan kampusku ini, karena disekelilingnya sudah terpasang Police Line.

“Siapa kira-kira yang meninggal dalam penyerbuan pasukan anti teror kali ini ya?” gumamku dalam hati, entah kenapa aku jadi khawatir ketika para petugas otopsi keluar membawa jenazah seorang wanita berparas cerah.

“Eko..yang sabar ya..ukhti Rianti meninggal, dia korban salah tembak para pasukan anti teror! Saat aktivis dakwah kampus sedang asyik berdiskusi tiba-tiba mereka datang kemasjid, karena beberapa teroris masuk lewat lantai dua!” ujar Fia, teman dekat Rianti diseberang sana, sore itu dia meneleponku.

“Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji’un.,.ukhti, semoga kau tenang disurga.” Do’aku untuknya, dia meninggal gara-gara teroris.

Malang, 29 September 2010.

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

“Unreal Happiness” of FIFA World Cup

Saturday June 12, 2010 is the beginning of new history of football in Africa. It was the first FIFA world cup located in Africa continental. Located in the capital city of South Africa, Johannesburg, the first match was begun between South Africa and Uruguay. Although, only 2 goals were made, one for each, the loud sounds of vuvuzela (a traditional music instrument of South Africa) indicate the happiness of African. Since FIFA decided that this agenda which is held once for 4 years should be located in different continental.

Football is not only the matter of sport; the players bring the name of their country when they participate in certain country. Before starting the match, the national anthem will be sung by all players and supporters attending the stadium with putting their hands on heart. The flag of their country is one of the attribute on the jersey. Sometimes, when they make a goal, they will kiss the logo of the jersey even the flag on it. Players and football lovers often cry when their team lose and laugh by holding a party when they win the match.

These all reasons make football becomes interesting to be discussed. Politician, kyai, economist, actor and actress talk about football. However, this condition implied other aspects of pride of country and sport, as football have many lovers, the industrialization project or profit minded will come. The huge sum of the mass include in the activities of football attract industrial doers or I can say capitalists, to create potential market. The potential market for the products related to football. This is very common where the mass concentrate, the logic of capitalism, which only thinking about profit, will operate . Here the industry doers will control the market structure-market conduct-market performance in gaining more profit.

They then arrange the salary of the players, the price of the players in transfer window, till the daily life of the players which become the trends in the football society. It has been common secret that the salary of Wayne Rooney, who plays for Manchester United, Michael Ballack in Chelsea, Emanuel Adebayor and Carlos Tevez who play for Manchester City FC, given more than 1.5 billion rupiahs for only a week. Then, we still remember that the most expensive price for football player is hold by Cristiano Ronaldo, 1.1 trillion paid by Real Madrid FC, Spain to own this Portuguese footballer. Next, the life style of society’s idol becomes certain trends that imitate by them. Indirectly, it can be called as the effort of standardization for the society life. Soon after David Beckham change his hair style to Mohawk in FIFA World Cup 2006 Germany, the society try to imitate him, or when Victoria Adams, his wife, has plastic surgery for her breast, many women follow her. Unconsciously, the regulator of world cup or the people behind them create the idols for our society (this universe filled by idols). This shaped superiority of the contestants’ countries in their mind and we are inferior? And those kind of imitation in culture industry becomes common (or I can say become absolute? As Horkheimer and Adorno statement) and this all happens because of the conglomeration of the football itself.

This condition becomes worse when the media give much portion in their exposure. It is because the media, first, make priority for its market exchange value than public use value. Second, the liberalization of the media which creates the entire of the market in winning the global competition . Media make it as the representation as the fact that should be recognized by football lovers, most of them has no choice. Hence, the reduction of football is happening. Now, football becomes the commodities of the capitalist which serve “unreal happiness” to the society through its glamorous styles. Once more the logic of accumulation or never-ending circuit of capital accumulation: M-C-M (Money-Commodities-More money) happens here.

In this case, the penetration of culture really happens here, the culture of capitalism that can abolish the real meaning or the substance of original things. This will be another prove that the real power in this universe, I mean which controls the society’s life, is on businessman or capitalists . However, in any condition the mass (football society?) will be fool that controlled to the world which they have no sense about it.

Another prove of the insipidness of capitalist; let’s see what have been said by Omar Qaddafi, the leader of Libya, before the grand opening ceremony of world cup.
“FIFA actually has lot of budget to hold a world cup, in fact almost all the cost should be paid by the host, and they try to monopoly football.” Moreover, the cost for maintaining the facilities after the agenda is ended is burden to the tax earning, learning from the case of bird nest stadium which often unused. The government of china confuses what kind of event should be held to fulfill the sum of the cost for this national expensive asset. So, will we continue this “unreal happiness?” However the ideal criticism idea should be continued deployed to our society that can bring them to the enlightenment .

Indonesian Infotainment

1. The Origin of Infotainment.

Originally, Infotainment is a combo word; it is the combination between information and entertainment. It refers to the program of media which is served in enjoy situation. For example, comedy news which have “serious contents” such as politic, corruption and economy and fun science program in which both of them have “unserious” or even humorous style in delivering their material . Compare with the word “edutainment” as the combination between education and entertainment, education is the content of the program whether entertainment is the method to serve education as the substance of the program (Syahputra, 2006).

The concepts of infotainment firstly came from John Hopkins University (JHU), Baltimore, USA; A University which is famous with its researches about healthy and medicine to help human being development through their researches’ result, this university also has international network. JHU was supported by Center of Communication Program (CCP) which communicates the health messages. For this purpose, some experts of communication in CCP including Everet M. Rogers, an expert of development communication try to find certain ways in order to attract society in receiving the information about healthy, since it is considered as a serious topic.

The basic concept of infotainment is from assumption that the society will not receive certain information by the way it is deployed, although they need it. Hence it needs to insert certain ways to increase society’s interests to receive it. Until they choose entertainment inserted to the program as their effort. From this basic idea, they create the term infotainment as an informative program but showed by inserting entertainment. In practice, JHU then hold music concert in delivering their information about healthy for youth. Later, this concept is borrowed by mass media especially TV broadcasting in Indonesia though belongs to the other meaning (Syahputra, 2006).

2. The Development in Indonesia and Discussion

Standing from the historical background of infotainment with edutainment as its comparation, it should be an information program which uses entertainment as the method in serving it. However, this meaning has changed. Nowadays, Infotainment refers to the program on TV, Radio, or Rubric at newspaper that informs the life of entertainers or celebrities or public figures include their surroundings. Nugroho (2005) said that the meaning of infotainment is information about the world of entertainment specifically about exploration of public figures’ privacy. Infotainment talk about marriage, divorce, daily activities, and education of public figures’ children etc. everything is tried to be dig or we can say exploited. The high sum of sinetron, contests of talents (singing, dancing, modeling, music), and reality show makes infotainment needed by society as the gate for getting the information about their idols.

KPI (Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia/Broadcasting Commission of Indonesia) reported that in 2002 up to 2005, our TV stations broadcasted infotainment 13 hours in a day. In 2002 there are 24 episodes in a week broadcasted by 10 TV stations; in 2003 they had 101 episodes in a week; in 2004 were broadcasted 151 episodes, then in 2005 there were 180 episodes in a week. This facts shows that the interest of our society to the infotainment was so high (Nugroho, 2005), the recent condition shows that there are at least 26 kinds of infotainment broadcasted by six private TV stations, 15-23 times a day, such as insert pagi and insert sore investigasi by Trans TV, was-was, halo selebriti, hot shot by SCTV, silet, kabar-kabari, and cek & ricek by RCTI, and kiss by Indosiar. Carpini and William (2001) stated that there are some reasons why infotainment develops quickly such as economical pressure, the structural change of broadcasting and telecommunication industry, and way of view that journalism and entertainment is same.

By the data showed above we can conclude that infotainment become a good commodity for business. Where the mass is concentrate the logic of capitalism will operate (Kompas, May 20, 2010, p. C), the production of infotainment in line with the production of sinetron, contests of talents, and reality shows can be the fact of the logic accumulation or Dedy N. Hidayat (2003) said that it is as never-ending circuit of capital accumulation : M-C-M (Money-Commodities-More money). TV industry create the entire of the market and said “this is the entire of the market!” which force them to accumulate same program, sinetron and contests of talents need infotainment and vice versa. In another side, to fulfill this requirements the infotainment’s journalists often effort any ways to catch the news from their object, and they think that anything about public figures has news values.

Some people has assumption that infotainment break the board of privacy of the public figures, but infotainment workers argued that the society need to know everything about their public figures as the answer of their curiosity. Here the infotainment’s journalists have to obey the ethic code of journalistic.

However, infotainment often breaks this rule, since there are interests of economy and politics behind infotainment and generally TV stations. This make the quality of the infotainment is bad; we can see the information and the process in getting it. We often watch and hear words such as “supposed”, “suspected” and “seems”, these words indicate that there is no check and re-check in the process of news making or we recognize it as not “cover both side”. Another example is when Ariel peterpan destroy the camera of journalist of Trans TV, Dzikrullah, when he try to shoot the picture of Luna Maya after attending the police invitation related to the case of porn video stared by both Luna and Ariel. Ariel may feel discomfort at that time. He is tired and he cannot hold his emotion. In our view, it will not happen if Dzikrullah respect to Ariel by letting him to go inside his car. Related to this case, ethic code of TV journalism in Indonesia chapter II article 3 states that “TV journalism of Indonesia should give attention to the accuracy, honesty, and equality, which consider consciousness/the depth of the heart” and chapter IV article 11 stated that “journalist of Indonesian TV respect to the right of privacy of the object of the news”. Then, chapter I article 3 of ethic code of journalism stated, “Wartawan Indonesia pantang menyiarkan karya jurnallistik (tulisan, suara, serta suara dan gambar) yang menyesatkan memutar balikkan fakta, bersifat fitnah, cabul serta sensasional” and Chapter III article 9 said “Wartawan Indonesia menempuh cara yang sopan dan terhormat untuk memperoleh bahan karya jurnalistik (tulisan, suara, serta suara dan gambar) dan selalu menyatakan identitasnya kepada sumber berita”. .

This non-ideal condition is made worse by the presenters who usually use hyperbole diction to make it more interesting, the inserting of the music also take this role. More various diction and music used it will more “hide” the real fact delivered, it becomes blur.

TV is a media whish use audio-visual strength can express the fact fastly and the society or viewer can feel it more “real” than other mass media. So, it makes the society easy to imitate. Moreover, the contents of infotainment show the glamorous style of life which can attract society to the consumerism culture.

3. The Relation between The Holy Koran and The Infotainment

In the Holy Qur’an, Allah forbid of suspicion, spy and backbite one another. Allah said in the Al-Hujarat verse 12:

"O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion; indeed some suspicion is sin. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother you would hate it. And have Taqwa of Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who forgives and accepts repentance, Most Merciful."

In the verse above, the word “avoid” means forbid to do. Forbid to have much of suspicion, spy, and backbite one another. It seems like eating the flesh of the dead brother. Every human being hates to eat the flesh of his brother because it is unmoral. In addition, the wise person said “tongue is sharper then sword.” So, we should not follow the conjecture, because the conjecture is no substitute for the truth and they do nothing but lie. And we have to have taqwa to Allah.

Allah also said in the Al-Hujarat verse 6:

"O you who believe! If a Fasiq (liar - evil person) comes to you with any news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done".

In this verse, Allah the Exalted ordered investigating the news that sinners and the wicked bring, to make sure of its authenticity. Otherwise, if the sinner's word is taken for granted and a decision is based on it, regardless of whether the information is true or not, the authorities will be taking the lead of the sinners. Allah the Exalted and Most Honored forbade taking the path of the corrupted and sinners.

Early Morning Noisy

Brrr..the weather was so cold, I woke up from my sleep, I look at my clock, it was 03.00 AM. I went to the bathroom to take ritual ablution. The water was also so cold. And the fog spread around my dormitory.

In the north side I saw the dim ride lamp..oh, it was Zamhari’s motorcycle, he was my friend, he had moved out from this Islamic boarding school two months ago. He was not alone, there were two boys behind him, Santo and Asro. He left after dropping his “passenger”.

From the back of my curtain I stared at both of them, they were totter. They lied down in front of Mr. Tadlo’s hut, back of Mr. Kyai’s home. He was one of the teachers in my Islamic boarding school who served Mr. Kyai.

“Oh my god they must drink again!” I mumbled. Later they said “f**k, sh*t, keep your advice for you yourself man!” I saw Asro as a bad drunken boy. “Let’s move dude! Before Mr. Tadlo wake up, they will catch us!” said Santo tried to hide what they had done.

“Shut up your mouth dog! We have no business!” Asro shouted.

“You are drunk! Hurry up! We’ve got to go!” Santo still tried asking Asro to move.

“Why should scare? It is our life man!”

Jratt..Asro punch Santo, he hit Santo’s eyebrow. They started to fight in front of the dormitory back of Mr. Kyai’s home. I did not want this show continued and worse. I could not stand, I turned on all lamps in this dormitory to wake all the members up to stop this madness.

Arif, Santo’s family came, he tried to separate them, but he fault. Then, Rohim and his friends came, this fight stopped for a while and Santo’s blood flow from his left eyes.

Mr. Kyai opened his back door, it look like he had just waken up, he wore white T-Shirt. “What is going on kids? I hear fighting?” He asked.

Everyone was bent over in shame, time was just like stopped, and all were quiet. Every single eyes looked at to Asro who fell down. He smelt Asro’s breathe. “uhm.. This is the smell of alcohol, do you drink again, with whom boy?” He asked to Asro. Asro keep silent, then, expectorated him. However, he was not angry.
He asked all his students there, “Anyone knows with whom he drinks?” everyone stared at Santo.

“Alright then, ask both to go to bathroom to take ritual ablution, I hope they will wise up soon.” Asro was helped by his friends to walk whether Santo walked alone, he was still strong.

Plak! Asro did not want to wash his face, he slapped Santo’s face. Santo kept silent. He knew that Asro had not been conscious yet. He drank too much alcohol at that night. Santo tried to continue washing his hand.

A moment later, thing happened, Asro ramming Santo’s head to the tap. His head was bloody, all their friends jumped to them to prevent another fighting.

Asro who could not stand was brought to the office accompanied by Mr. Nafi, one of security staff here. In another side, Santo was brought to the small room down the stairs. There was Mr. Yahya who was dead asleep. He was tired after curing his patients who was attacked voodoo all day. He was only the one who knew about shaman in this Islamic boarding school.

“How comes! Your students have troubles and you just sleep here?” Mr. Kyai was angry to him. Mr. Yahya was shocked and woke up from his dead asleep. He was confused why Mr. Kyai stared at him quizzically. He only bow, he had no braveness to look at Mr. Kyai. Then, Mr. Nafi came with Santo.

“Now, check out all of your students, call all the room advisors, and look for Mr. Rahman, where is he? Why he does not patrol this night!” Mr.Kyai commanded to Mr. Yahya.

“Who is the advisor of C1 room?” he asked.

“Me myself, sir.” Mr. Yahya answered

“Ok! Leave now then!”

“Yes sir”.


Mr. Kyai sat before Santo, he took his favorite cigarette, “I will allow you to smoke now, it does not matter, just take it, it is better than you drink alcohol which is forbidden by our religion.” Santo just kept silent and was bent down. He scared to take the tobacco which was really harmed in this Islamic boarding school. He committed not to smoke before his kyai to respect him.
“Don’t be shamed kang, just take it!”

Finally, Santo wanted to take one cigarette although he felt ashamed and he lit it. Accompanied by a cup of coffee and a cigarette, he was interrogated directly by Mr. Kyai. He confessed what he had done; he was alcoholic since he was in Junior High School.


Asro woke up from his long sleep. Mr. Nafi who waited him all night tried to ask him what actually happened at that night, Asro tried not to admit about what he had done. After insisted and explained by Mr. Nafi, Asro admitted everything he did. He was not only alcoholic but also dope addict. He knew every kind of drug, lexothan, ecstasy, dog pills etc. He mentioned them one by one.

Then, he mentioned all his friends who consumed drugs with him, more than fifteen students involved in this case or even more! Mr. Nafi was only able to shake his head, he shocked! This hell virus infected many people in this holy institution! He could not think anymore, where had the attitude lesson of this institution gone?
He could not believe in Asro’s testimony, he was afraid that Asro had not get his consciousness fully till he might say something wrong.

To prove Asro’s testimony, Mr. Nafi visited to Mr. Kyai’s home to discuss the result of his interrogation to Asro. Mr. Kyai asked him to call all his trusted students. He wanted to check the data gathered by Mr. Nafi.


In the obscure evening, everything was clear that it was the truth. Clever boy Bashor, a quiet boy Misbah, Arfi who was the master of football, Bahri who was the grandson of the great Ulama who was the teacher of the founding father of this Islamic Boarding School, Hakim who was the national athlete of sepak takraw, and Aziz who was the new student in this school were active users. Asro also said that two days without consuming these drugs, he would feel unhappy and lose his spirit to live.

Knowing these facts, Mr. Kyai Shed tears. He commanded Izam to take cup of water for him. He wanted to drink. Then he advise to his students.

“I advise you all not to follow their way, I have told you all to be careful in choosing friends. Dope addict is hard to be cured. If all of you tell your advisor since the first case, it will not be like this.” Mr. Kyai kept silent to haul his breath. All quiet, voiceless, no moving even little. Everyone looks down to the floor listen to Mr. Kyai’s advices carefully.

“Now, when you see violation of god’s laws in our beloved Islamic boarding school, please, do not keep silent. If you have no power to prevent it, just contact your teachers. You have to be brave, it is not funny that you fear to the human not to god! Ok just forget what has happened this time; let’s do our best for our future.”


This case was deployed quickly, and the parents of the students involved in this case were called to the office of my dormitory. Everyone who got involve should be move out from this school although it is hard for them because they would have national final examination three days later. That was the last year for them in this school.

The cartel of drug network was found after this case, the police job was helped, then, arrested three people who were suspected as the big boss of narcotics in this country.

Homeless Children Who Eat Leftovers

After praying for the prosperity in celebrating gold anniversary of our organization, PMII (Indonesian Moslem Student Movement), April 17, 2010, we have big dinner by eating fifty tumpeng, a ceremonial dish of yellow rice which is served in a cone shape. It was shocking that our dinner leftovers were taken by some messy children.

We were curious to know what they are going to do with that dirty food, soon we follow them. There were 20s teens who were waiting for them, then, they fight over the food.

They eat them fastly, they were not think about their health if they consum that kind of disgusting meal.

“No matter for us, we usually gather in front of party building to get our food,” Fatkur, a 17-years old boy who has three piercing in his left ears.

“We just want to continue our life by eating any food we get,” Rina, a 16 years old girl who use black super high heels.

Not only the matter of their daily meal but also their pattern of socialization. They think that they are a big family since they are not recognized as their parent’s kids. It makes them share everything each other including drugs or even sex. It is common that they usually consumpt drugs together and having sexual relation. They feel free to do that because there is no one who see or even give attention to their daily life. As long as not disturbing public rights, they will do anything they want.

As the matter of fact, Fatkur and Rina were the member of one of rooming houses which is funded by social department in this city but they were not happy and run away from this house. They were not get freedom since they should earn minimally Rp. 20.000 a day to pay their food and their room. They were exploited.

Related to their health condition, the data of the health department of east java has shown that in 2009 there is 60 percents of homeless children in Malang are infected by HIV-AIDS. This result is gained after taking the sample randomly in the beginning of last year. The samples were taken from some rooming houses and nomade children who usually stay in front of shops and sides of roads.

Most of them do not know that this virus is very dangerous. They do not know that this can take their life. “We never think that we will die”, Rina stated.
They hope that the government of this country give more attention, every children born in this country is the future of this nation. They have an equal rights in accesing every facilities available for the children of nation.

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Notulensi seminar nasional kebudayaan ibnu Aqil

“Manifestasi Kearifan Budaya Lokal dalam Nuansa Kontemporer”.
Kamis, 13 Mei 2010.
Local wisdom tantangannya ada dua: Globalisasi ekonomi
Internasionalisasi islam
Bumi bulat ke arah discovering new world. Globalisasi sudah dari dulu tapi teknologi membuatnya lebih sahih.
Teknologi komunikasi mempercepat penyebaran semua produk yang setiap negara.
Negara trandsetter budaya global begitu mudah masuk pada setiap negara.
Rekonstruksi budaya begitu mudah? Dilakukan oleh orang negara (rakyat) kita. d/a kontekstualisasi budaya global dengan lokal.
Wali sebagai contoh lagi!!
Think globally act locally.
Penampilan sih boleh jadul, tapi ilmu kita yang harus luar biasa.
Penghargaan atas individu2 yang merdeka untuk berkreasi.
Produk alam kita ex. Obat-obatan lebih bermanfaat/berkhasiat buat kita.
Harus ada kontinuitas atas kultur yang sudah dibangun.
Pesantren (lagi) sebagai kekuatan dominan untuk mewarnai kontestasi global (ekonomi, lingkungan, sosial, pemikiran, dll).
Institusi lokal mampu menjadi lokomotif ekonomi kita.
Kreatifitas karya (cerpen, novel, game, produk2 IT) dalam memasyarakatkan/membumikan aswaja dan nilai-nilainya.
Yang menjadi trandsetter haruslah kita dengan nilai-nilai kita.

Jawa memang kosmopolitan sejak dulu, contoh kecil: fisiologinya yang tidak sama.
Pakai kata budaya atau pakai adab ya? Budaya korupsi ada, kalau adab korupsi kan gak ada.
Trand tidak harus eropa.
Karakter a la barat harus Tragis, round, kalau kita ??
Kita harus memanfaatkan yang kita miliki biar nggak ada seumpama sarong made in USA.
Sekarang budaya yang dikembangkan hanyalah nilai

Sekolah adalah produk positivisme
Comte ”perkembangan manusia ada tiga tahap:
1. Tahap teologi (manusia masih primitif, segala sesuatu yang ada milik tuhan), dibagi dalam 3 tahap:
Animisme dinamisme, politeisme, monoeisme
2. Tahap metafisika (sadar akan kemampuan mencipta tapi masih percaya takdir)
3. Tahap positivis (manusia sudah modern), manusia yang hanya percaya akan fakta. Diluar fakta maka tidak percaya
Manusia dicipta Tuhan atas gambarannya, Tuhan dicipta manusia atas angan-angannya (positivis).
Tokoh-tokoh islam modernis berasal dari sekolah semua karena ada unsur pemikiran barat.
Orang-orang Islam tradisional anti sekolah (barat) sebagai wujud atas politik tasyabbuh.
Superioritas barat (global=better) Vs inferioritas timur (local=worse).
Libidonomic = nafsu sahwat yang dijadikan komoditas ekonomi.
Itu akan menjadi fenomena yang tidak akan terbendung bahkan oleh kalangan agamawan karena pada dasarnya manusia dibekali dengan libido.
Lalu muncul fenomena yang disebut dengan religionomic = agama sebagai komoditas ekonomi, atau momen-momen keagamaan yang disusupi dengan keuntungan-keuntungan ekonomi tertentu.
Bahkan ada yang namanya pelatihan sholat khusyuk, juga ada semisal REG DOA kirim ke 2998. untuk mendapatkan do’a-do’a tertentu.
Pasca reformasi nama-nama a la barat banyak muncul, dulunya harsono jadi marvel.
INGAT! Indonesia pasca reformasi menjadi pasar segalanya; pemikiran, produk ekonomi dll.
Fredrich Nietszhe : sekarang sudah ada pergeseran nilai/transvaluasi nilai. Atau jungkir baliknya nilai. Melahirkan uber mensz (manusia unggul) disini manusia didasarkan pada nafsu. Yang disebut dengan nilai kaum kuat.
Manusia yang menyembunyikan nafsunya disebut nilai budak. Pada kehidupan modern manusia yang kuat (mengumbar nafsunya) yang akan menguasai karena ”manusia unggul” inilah orang-orang yang punya NAFSU KUASA.
Karl Marx; yang diperebutkan dalam hidup adalah ekonomi dan kekuasaan politik. Orang yang tidak mau bersaing dalam meraih dua hal itu akan tersubordinasi (tersisih).

Kacung maridjan menjawab:
1. kepemimpinan a la NU/ASWAJA: kasus wahab hasbullah dan bisri sansuri dalam pemilihan rais syuriah yang mana K. Bisri mundur karena ada K. Wahab yang lebih tua. Meskipun suara K.Bisri lebih banyak. Boleh bersaing asalkan tahu diri. Kalau kalah ya harus legawa. Tabayyun itu lebih baik.
2. budaya arab dengan islam harus ada garis yang jelas. Biar tidak ada arabisasi Islam.
3. Ingat! Renaissanse Eropa ada pengaruh dari Islam, biar kita tidak terlalu anti terhadap Eropa/Barat.
4. Teknologi yang ada banyak yang bersumber dari Islam.
5. Akal harus dipakai untuk penguatan Iman
Misbahul Amri
1. Iman dan akal harus diseimbangkan.
2. hidup akan indah apabila dirasakan, karena keindahan tidak bisa diakal.
3. Islam tidak pernah membedakan yang fisik dan yang bathin.
4. Kalau kita cinta maka semua indah
5. Karya seni akan indah apabila didasari dengan cinta.
6. Allah mencipta manusia karena cinta.
7. Porno itu emosi, maka bohong kalau porno itu indah.
8. Sunnatullah itu yang baik sedikit.
9. Harus ada olah rasa biar semua berpihak pada hati nurani.
10. tentang kepemimpinan, Hasyim Asyari dan Hamka. Hamka: Monggo njenengan yang ngimami, karena anda lebih tua. Hari kedua mbah hasyim bilang, ”karena saya lebih tua, maka saya berhak memerintah, monggo yang muda jadi Imam, yang tua jadi Makmum. Padahal 2 orang ini tokoh MD dan NU. Tapi bisa rukun, intinya kalau sudah level tinggi akan terjadi harmoni.
11. Untuk olah rasa maka perlu baca novel, karya sastra yang menyentuh. Harus ada kurikulum yang mewajibkan baca novel difakultas2 laen, seperti ekonomi, teknik, dll. Seperti fakultas Ekonomi di salah satu Universitas Amerika.
Agus Sunyoto
1. Islam itu mempunyai ciri-ciri orang takwa: Iman terhadap yang gaib.
2. Positivisme: tidak percaya yang gaib.
3. ada pertentangan materi dalam sekolah antara mata pelajaran satu dengan yang lain. Contoh pandangan asal-usul alam dari segi ilmu agama, ilmu biologi, Fisika dll.
4. Adanya stigma bahwa pendidikan/belajar itu hanya sekolah formal, tapi sebenarnya belajar itu bisa dimana aja, seperti kebijakan WAJAR 9 tahun yang ditafsiri wajib sekolah 9 tahun.
5. karena keyakinan bahwa sukses itu lewat ijazah, akhirnya sekolah itu jadi komoditas. Akhirnya ada ”Sarjanasentris”.
6. KUHP itu sudah ada sejak zaman Gajah Mada yang mana di Eropa masih zaman kegelapan.
7. Sekolah menjadi lembaga yang mengkondisikan pikiran2 rasio yang terkadang bertentangan dengan local wisdom.
8. Islami = Arab.?? SALAH!
9. Salah kalau palestina itu negara Islam, karena 40 persen penduduknya Kristen. Yasir Arafat pun beristri Kristen.
10. Ada kitab tafsir jalalain yang ditulis dalam bahasa jawi (pegon) yang diterbitkan oleh Darul Fikr, Lebanon. Dan dibeli di Makkah.
11. Pikiran kita telah terhegemoni oleh standardisasi a la barat, kita harus bisa survive ditengah2 globalisasi.
12. jangan terlalu mengandalkan akal, tapi jagalah. ”Laa Diina Li man Laa Aqla: tidak beragama bagi yang tidak berakal”.
13. Mari asah hati dengan tradisi keislaman kita. Seperti qosidah, burdah dll.